
Tecnología límpia – Un sector en la sombra

Las energías renovables viven un momento de parálisis en la privincia. La crisis y el fin de los incentivos por parte del Gobierno han bloqueado un sector que llegó a vivir su pripia burbuja en los años de bonanza económica.
Un sector a la espera de cambios legislativos por parte de la administración pública que arrojen algo de luz.
1.889 Instalaciones en la provincia


sonda inmersión

BALMART ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, is an engineering specialized in the design and manufacture of electronic equipment of communications and radio frequency. His technological solutions are orientated to the Environmental Monitoring, including soils, biodiversity, water and atmosphere conditions.

BALMART cooperates in the development of new products with governmental international entities and with big companies, being a leader in numerous R&D projects of. The solutions BALMART create wireless networks of sensors that monitor thousands of environmental parameters (RFReeNET SYSTEM).


sonda inmersión

Haug is a leader in Engineering, Construction and Assembly, based on strict standards of quality and innovation, ensuring its customers excellent service.

Haug provides specialty services to the highest levels of quality, safety, compliance and profitability for the full satisfaction of its customers and fulfill its corporate social responsibility.

Link Haug


sonda inmersión

The Association represents private investors, CvBan, Valencia Business Angels Network was formed in July 2008 as a nonprofit association whose purpose is to bring private investment formula to as many entrepreneurs as a catalyst for the creation of innovative companies in the Valencia region and facilitate access to interesting projects to potential investors.

CvBan a member of the Spanish Association of Business Angels, AEBAN, integrated turn at the European Trade Association for Business Angels, EBAN.

Link CvBan

Points of recharging electric vehicles

sonda inmersión

Do you know where there is a point of charging electric vehicles?

The Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDEA) makes it easy. Now you can see where the points of public access refill closest to your home or workplace and what is the best way to reach them with the Geo-positioning tool electric charging stations.

Go here


sonda inmersión


Hoy por hoy, la normativa actual no permite consumir energía renovable producida en el hogar, siempre y cuando la vivienda, la empresa o la industria no esté aislada de la red. Sin embargo, en cuestión de unos años el autoconsumo resultará más rentable que acudir a las compañías eléctricas, sobre todo cuando el precio de la electricidad no deja de subir y el coste de producir electricidad con renovables y la tarifa bajan.

Pronto Philips

sonda inmersión

Level 1 Certificate:
The Pronto level 1 certificate is awarded to installers that show an excellent knowledge level of the full Pronto family of customizable control panels, as well as basic knowledge of the Pronto editor.
The certificate can be obtained by taking an online test.
Requeriments are the following:
The test consists of 30 questions.
You will be required to achieve 80% sucess rate.
You have unlimited number of tries to take the test.

Link Pronto Philips


Durante el pasado 5 y 6 de Octubre INEL, S.L. realizo conjuntamente con Lenze Transmisiones unas Jornadas donde se presento el portfolio de productos de Lenze.

Viendo el gran interes que han despertado las jornadas se han dejado las presentaciones ampliadas en el link inferior para que puedan descargarselas y estudiarlas con mas detalle.

Desde Servicios y Aplicaciones INEL, S.L. quedamos a la disposicion de todos ante cualquier duda o consulta que deseen realizar.