Inel Valencia/Alicante

INEL develops a pole electric vehicle charging

Coinciding with the iMas:)t 2012 forum held in Ontinyent on November 8, 2012, INEL installed in the Plaza de la Concepción a pole electric vehicle charging, an initiative that is part of the set of actions to improve energy efficiency.

IRVE-Modo 1

The vehicle charging pole developed and manufactured by INEL do the charge in Mode1, and features a 5 «display and a proximity card reader for managing recharging.

We help the environment

The electric charging point is public and free. The Government promotes this innovation d’Ontinyent assuming the cost of the refills, a bonus that is added to the already approved the City tax ordinances in 2013, with which citizens pay 50% less road tax hybrid vehicles and up to 75% in the case of electric cars.

These measures aim to disseminate and implement new technology consumption habits among citizens. Sergio Pomar, president of the commission of new technologies Econòmic i Consell d’Ontinyent Social (CES), notes that «the installation of an electric charging point opens up the electrolineras the future, which will enable the evolution to a city where you go replacing vehicles with combustion engine with an electric motor for others, because that’s one of the great revolutions taking place in the XXI century «.

The use of sustainable vehicles would reduce emissions of organic gasos by 98%, nitrogen oxides by 92% and carbon monoxide by 99%, all major ingredients of pollution caused by traffic. The emissions produced by electric car batteries are easier to minimize as new energy sources can cause existing cost electricity without polluting.