Inel Valencia/Alicante

Photovoltaic Net-Metering

The new Net-Metering systems, allowing solar energy directly consumed, obtaining savings equivalent to the installed power.

The energy consumption and distributed generation provide many benefits to society of small power facilities available to companies, individuals and neighborhoods.

The increase in prices of conventional electricity (60% over the last 4 years) coupled with cost reduction of solar photovoltaic (70% in the last five years) make solar energy an attractive alternative to reduce the electric bill.

The net result is a mode of supply in developing that allows consumers the discharge energy to the electricity grid, to consume later.

Among the benefits the energy consumption and distributed generation contribute to the Company include the following:

  • Savings on electricity bills with energy prices ever higher
  • Reducing dependence on foreign energy
  • Care and improvement of the environment
  • Distributed generation
  • Use of renewable energy that are safe, native, unlimited and clean
  • Profitable very short term (grid parity)
  • Local wealth creation

In return for large scale renewable generation, favoring entities with financial possibilities, we propose a model of distributed generation small power facilities accessible to individuals, neighborhood, etc…

Each produces and consumes its own energy

The Council of Ministers approved a Royal Decree that regulates the administrative and basic techniques for connecting renewable facilities and small power cogeneration. The new legislation, which transposes into Spanish law of the European Renewable Energy Directive, in addition to existing in this chapter and is intended to simplify the processing required to accelerate the entry into the electric system of small facilities.

The rule allows access for homes and small businesses to the small-scale power generation.

The gradual entry into the Spanish electrical system of this type of small power plants will promote increasingly distributed generation, modifying the current centralized model of large electrical installations with numerous advantages for the system and for the consumer himself.

Regarding the electrical system, the distributed power generation system will lower energy losses in the networks and reducing economic investments in transmission and distribution, as well as a primary energy savings, and for consumers, improving energy independence and security of supply.

Self consumption: produce the electricity itself is being connected to the network, to:

  • Sell ??excess
  • Consume if need

Netmetering: is the possibility to inject the overproduction of a power generating installation system (FV) to the network, and having a compensation.

It’s called Net Balance Individualized the compensation system energy credits in any one year, which applies to consumers that have a single installation of generation connected to its internal grid.

By extension, it is also generally accepted that external to internal installation, but whenever it is connected to the same circuit of the distribution network.

Types of consumers:

  1. Domestic consumers, benefiting from the tariff of last resort, which necessarily must have no more than 10 kW of contracted power and connected to the low voltage grid
  2. Domestic consumers over 10 kW and 15 kW of power contracted or small. Shops within the same range of powers, all connected to the low voltage network
  3. Other low-voltage consumers. This is mainly for shops or offices whose contracted capacity usually ranges from 15 to 100 kW
  4. Small industry or office buildings connected to the medium voltage network with contracted power up to 450 kW