Inel Valencia/Alicante


sonda inmersión


Today, current regulations don’t allow consumption of renewable energy produced in homes, as long as housing, business or industry are not isolated from the network. Nevertheless, within a few years the consumption will be more profitable to go to utilities, especially when the price of electricity keeps rising and the cost of producing electricity from renewables keeps decreasing. Against this background, the Ministry of Industry produce a legislation that will legalize the renewable Self-Consumption within months. It is expected that by the end of June, a Decree on the connection will be published and within six months later a Self-Consumption Decree is published. Although there are skeptics who think that this issue will not be completed during this government.

Predictably, the future regulation will be based on the net balance; that is, for every kilowatt hour thet is poured into the network, another kilowatt of charge may be consumed without consideration.


So if a family chooses self-consumption and go on holiday for a month, the energy produced, but not consumed may be poured into the network. Once back, the family can consume the same network kilowatt generated in the absence of charge. So, for a while you will not have to pay to turn on the light at ten in the night, for example.

So far, so good. In fact, if passed, it’s better than much of the industry had expected. The only question is the period, as well as how long the paperwork will take for the facilities of less than 100 kilowatts. Initially it is thought to be a year, so that if a family leaves home, could consume in a year  the total energy generated by its facilities free. After that, all those «Electrical credits» would be lost.

Regarding when it will be more profitable to opt for self-consumption than  to buy electricity , the situation can be very diverse. At first, parity in large photovoltaic installations (those on the roofs of industrial buildings, for example) was reached between 2012 and 2013. At this time it would be  more cost effective to have a net balance. Although some other insurance companies  see this as a possibility and the opportunity to give a green plus to their business today.


It is expected that for every kWh that is poured into the network, one can be consumed for free.

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